Li Ruohong Proposing Peace + 1 in UN to Accelerate MDG
Date:2013-09-30     Source:BJIPCF     Count:14237
The Forum in the United Nations Headquarters

Chairman Li Ruohong with UNESCO Director-GeneralMs. Irina Bokova

Chairman Li Ruohong with WHO Director-General Ms. Margaret Chan

  New York usheredin the annual United Nations general assembly again in Autumn of September. Headsof government from countries all over the world, leaders of famousinternational organizations and nongovernmental organizations gathered todiscuss the world hot issues and the implementation status of MDG.

  At the invitation of United Nations’ Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon, Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation and his partyattended the high level forum in the name of “MDG Success Accelerating Action,Partnering for Impact” which was held on September 23, 2013 at the UnitedNations headquarters.

The forum was presided over by Secretary-General BanKi-moon. More than 200 people were invited to present at the meeting. They wereheads of government like the President of Peru, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, PrimeMinister of Samoa, Prime Minister of Norway, Chair of United Nations DevelopmentGroup, Director-General of UNESCO, President of World Bank, Director-General ofthe United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Director-General of WorldHealth Organization, etc., as well as heads of the famous non-governmentalorganizations from all over the world.

The implementation status of MDG was evaluated on the one-dayforum and whether the MDG can be fully achieved in 2015 was discussed. Differentopinions and advices were put forward on the forum.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon introduced implementationsituation of MDG since 2005 and pointed out that we needed to celebrate the achievements,to collect all your experiences, to plan a more effective way by using innovativemethods, so that we can deepen and accelerate action to make MDG a success.

Ethiopian Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Hailemariam Desalegntalked about the experience of the African human security and nurturing. Hesaid before the external support, they should establish a strong fortress tofight poverty and to prevent natural disasters. Although the road ahead wasvery difficult, but the MDG had given a good example.

Peru President H.E. Mr. Ollanta Humala put forward theproposal that we need to have a new goal, new ideas and quantitative criteria.His initiative is to build a more equal society with no poverty and hunger.

World Bank President Mr. Jim Yong Kim said: Sanitation,health care and education are still at risk. Those have exceeded the ability ofthe government.  Need partners,enterprises and NGOs to join efforts. He Appealed: no partnership, no peace andsecurity.

World Health Organization Director-General Ms.Margaret Chan said only by medicine could not solve the problem ofwomen and children. We needed social and cultural support, and requiredcreative thinking. No money, no action. We should be responsible for the donors,and should evaluate the results after the donation. No data, no progress. Weneeded to strengthen accountability and transparency.

UNESCO Director-General Ms. Irina Bokova said when shementioned the status of education: now there are 250 million young people areilliterates. They are unable to participate in social and cultural life. Weneed to have global education and training system to improve the quality ofeducation, to solve the problem of teachers and new technology, to have allchildren no matter male or female to go to school and to shorten the gapbetween economic development and smart technology.

The Samoan Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Tuilaepa Lupesoliaisaid: while focusing on inclusiveness, small island developing countries canhelp young people employment through partnership, and give chances in PE.

The Chair of the United Nations Development Group Ms.Helen Clark said MDG should be localized and must have standards and frameworks.Should let the private sector, the community, the public and multi-sectoralparticipation in many aspects. Focus on action and crack all blocks.

Former President of Ghana H.E. Mr. John A. Kufuor said,need to increase investors in Africa. When multinational companies worry aboutAfrica's social and economic stability, we need other enterprises to fill thegap.

Norwegian Prime Minister H.E. Mr. JensStoltenberg and Mr. Bill Gates talked about the cooperation in producing vaccineand the medical innovation. They have mentioned that through the low sellingprice and the new way of communication they wanted to help the society and theyplaned to provide pneumococcal vaccines for the two-thirds of the world'spoorest people to use. Mr. Bill Gates also pointed out: young people should thinkof the world and Africa. Rich countries could use technology and resources to solvethe problem creatively. We can evaluate the innovation by checking the results.The Norwegian Prime Minister said MDG should meet with the effects.

Representatives from all walks of life also putforward their views and propositions on "the data revolution","respects for scarce resources", "sustainable energy forall", "food and drinking water safety", "cleantechnology", "gender education", "family foundation","demographic dividend", "capitalism in Africa" and "charity".

Chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohonghas introduced how the NGO founded by himself did foreign public welfare creatively,how to make international exchanges in the field of culture, education, sportsand health care to promote the conceptual communication and credit cooperation,to support and help the disadvantaged countries and the vulnerable groups. Heproposed to use public welfare model of "Peace + 1" to accelerate theactions to achieve MDG successfully.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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