Meeting between Moroccan embassy and China-Morocco Friendship Association (Ibn Battuta) at Peace Garden
Date:2015-09-09     Source:BJIPCF     Count:16119

On the morning of Sep.9th, Mr. Nour Eddine FASSI, thenewly appointed Moroccan counselor to China came to Peace Garden and held awork meeting with Mr. Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation.

During the meeting, Mr. Nour Eddine FASSI said, China’s“One Belt, One Road” initiative is of great significance and Morocco is at oneend of the ancient Silk Road. Both countries enjoy broad prospects forcooperation. He hoped that, both sides can deepen cooperation in social affairs,culture, economy and trade based on the China-Morocco Friendship Association(Ibn Battuta) .

Mr. Li said, over the years, this association hascarried out much practical work and hosted many meaningful events instrengthening friendship exchanges, promoting the “peace+1” ideal along withinnovating the international public welfare mode driven by “academicresearch-think tank-themed culture-industrial alliance”. He hoped to keep themomentum going.

Both sides also consulted on exchange programs of the remainingmonths of the year and next year, including academic research, gastronomy, teeceremony, photo exhibition, sports,etc.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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