Concert in Jiaozhuanghu Commeborating the 70th Anniversary of the Victory in Anti-fascist War and Anti-Japanese War
Date:2015-08-10     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12921

To commeborate the 70th anniversary ofthe victory in anti-fascist war and anti-Japanese war, Beijing International peaceCulture Foundation(BJ-IPCF) and Jiaozhuanghu Village, Longwantun Township,Shunyi District, Beijing, together held a vocal concert at the site of TunnelWarfare. With the theme of “Learn lessons from History to Ensure World Peace”,the concert was dedicated to rekindling people’s memory of the lessons of theWWⅡ, encouraging people, esp. the young generation to be messengers of peace,to protect the blue sky and enjoy world peace together.

Tunnel warfare was a tactic used by the Chineseduring the anti-Japanese war. The network of  underground tunnels connecting houses, alleys,and villages was an important method to fight aggressors. Such unique folkwisdom was well displayed in films and books in later times. During the waragainst Japanese invasion , Jiaozhuanghu  peasants dug 17 km of tunnel network.Currently, the original site of an 850-meter-long tunnel is open to visitorsfrom all over the world.

This concert is quite extraordinary as a grandgathering initiated by civil organizations and attended by common people. It’sco-organized by China World Peace Foundation and the government of LongwantunTownship, Shunyi District. It received great support from China Society forPeople’s Friendship Studies, China Music Industry Promotion Committee, People’sAssociation for Friendship with Foreign Countries of Beijing Municipality,Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges, as well as media groupssuch as China News Agency , China Central Peaple’s Radio, Radio Beijing,etc.

The concert has far-reaching insight withpeace-themed songs of different countries aiming at the promotion of peace andstability in the world, esp. in the far-east region. The concert was held inthe open air in the village, where professional vocalists joined local peasantsin their expression of love for peace. The concert was also an internationalgathering supported by UNESCO and Red Cross. It was attended by more than 400people, including leading officials of the central government, BeijingMunicipality and Shunyi District,  foreign diplomats, senior executives offoreign enterprises, students from home and abroad and local residents. Theconcert culminated in “The Song of Peace” when people of differentnationalities and skin colors chanted together hand in hand.

Entering the concert site, you would feel thepassion. The concert started with the song “On the Songhuajiang River”. Oldsongs familiar to the Chinese People such as “Katyusha” and “Play My FavoriteLute”, echoed in everyone’s heart. Through poem reading with background music,directors of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation conveyed the hatredof the Chinese people to that war, the praise for their unyielding resistanceand their love for peace. “Song of Jiaozhuanghu Village” displayed the heroicspirit of the villagers back in the wartime and their happy life under theleadership of Communist Party of China. The chorus “Song of Peace” by thechildren moved everyone present at the concert.


北京国际和平文化基金会理事 诗朗诵:永远的丰碑——献给英雄的焦庄户人民




少年儿童表演 诗朗诵:清晨,我们放飞白鸽


Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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