Li Ruohong: China-Pakistan Friendship Promotes Ecological Balance and Prosperity of International Economy
Date:2015-01-28     Source:BJIPCF     Count:13353

The launching ceremony of the “China-Pakistan Year of Friendly Exchanges” set by Chinese and Pakistani leaders took place on Jan. 28th,2015 in China World Hotel, Beijing. Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, Speakerof the National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar·Ayaz·Sadiq, as well as over 300 guests at home and abroad participated in this spetecular event.

Mr Li Ruohong, Honorary Investment Consultant of Pakistan Government and Chairman of China World Peace Foundation, congratulated Vice President Li Yuanchao, Mr Sadiq and Masood Khalid, Ambassadorof Pakistan to China respectively on such an event. They also discussed theconcerns of Chinese and Pakistani civilization and livelihood in the "OneBelt and One Road" vision, the strategic conception of building the"Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road". Mr Li Ruohong proposed constructing a “thinktank-culture-industry-public welfare” value chain, which would contribute tothe ecological balance and prosperity of international economy. His Excellency Mr Sadiq invited Mr Li Ruohong to National Assembly of Pakistan for furtherdiscussion.

Vice President Li Yuanchao (right) was discussing with Mr Li Ruohong (left).

Mr Li Ruohong (right) held friendly talks with His Excellency Mr Sadiq.

Vice President Li Yuanchao (in the middle), His Excellency Mr Sadiq (4th oneto the left) and Ambassador Mr Khalid (4th one to the right) andother leaders participated in the launching ceremony.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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