ROK Defense attaché visits Peace Garden Museum
Date:2014-10-31     Source:BJIPCF     Count:13990

Li Ruohong, Chairman of CWPF and Dai Huailiang, Secretary General of BIFEA with B.G.Moon,Yong Seok, Defense Attaché of the Embassy of the ROK to China and his party

B. G. Moon, Yong Seokand his party visit the Peace Garden Museum

The Peace Garden in the end of October is especially beautiful as all the leaves are changing color. On the morning of Oct.31, 2014, Brigadier General Moon, Yong Seok, Defense attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (ROK) to China and his party visited the Peace Garden upon invitation of Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation (CWPF)and Deputy Director of Beijing International Friendship Exchange Association(BIFEA). They were warmly received by Mr.Li Ruohong and Dai Huailiang,Secretary General of BIFEA.

Li Ruohong and his colleagues accompanied B.G. Moon and his party toured the stone carving area where 178 stone carvings are standing with inscriptions written by foreign ambassadors in Beijing and heads of international organizations including the United Nations. The guests stopped in front of several stone carvings and read the inscriptions with peace as the theme. They also took photos in front of the stone carvings with inscriptions written by Ban Ki-moon,Secretary General  of United Nations (UN) and Kwon, Youngse, Ambassador of the Embassy of the ROK to China.

Having toured the stone carving area, B.G. Moon and his party entered the Peace Garden Museum for visit. The Museum houses more than 3000 various artworks with different styles, which are gifts mostly given by foreign country Presidents, Prime Ministers and heads of international organizations in the past 20 years and some Chinese rare arts. The guests watched each art carefully with interest and couldn't repress their sigh of admiration from time to time. Seeing the gift given by high official of the ROK, they said affectionately,In the past years, the contact between the two governments and the two peoples of China and ROK, and the feelings of the peoples are deepening increasingly. The CWPF had done a lot of work for this. We are very grateful for what it has done.

After the visit, B.G. Moon, Yong Seok and Mr. Li Ruohong had an informal discussion on how tofurther carry out peace culture exchange and exchanged views and suggestions in a friendly atmosphere. Mr.Li Ruohong said,The contact between China and ROK has been for nearly 3000 years.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, politicalmutual trust is keeping enhancing, economic and trade cooperation is keeping strengthening,cultural exchanges are increasing. It is our common hope to keep the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asian region in peace and stability. The guests were very grateful to the CWPF for the warmly and friendly reception. B.G. Moon, Yong Seok said on behalf of his party that the CWPF and the BIFEA are old friends of the ROK. They represent the sincere friendship of the Chinese people towards the people of the ROK. The Embassy of the ROK will do more good deeds to promote the friendship of our two peoples and the world peace as always. The two sides also discussed how to further carry out exchanges in the future. 

Dai Huailiang,Secretary General of BIFEA said that BIFEA would sincerely cooperate with CWPF and BIPCF to further promote the contact between China and the ROK in multi domain through public diplomacy and non-governmental diplomacy.


Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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