Li ruohong meets with Nepali Minister of Culture
Date:2014-09-24     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12652

23thof Septembre, Chairperson of China World Peace Foundation, Mr. Li Ruohongassisted the Nepal-China Thangka exhibition hold by the Embassy of Nepal toChina.

Participating guests are Minister ofCulture, Tourism and Civil Aviation   ofNepal, Mr. Deepak Chandra Amatya, nepali ambassador to China, Mr. Maskey,Deputy Minister of Culture of China, Mr. Dingwei. Speeches from both countriesfollowed by a lighting ceremony marked inauguration of this event.

At the opening ceremony, ChairpersonMr. Li ruohong and

H.E.M. Amatya discussed diversifiedsubjects about sino-nepali exchanges, Both are willing to conduct deepcooperations in cultural affairs in order to promote friendship between twocountries.

Mr.Li ruohong and H.E.M. Amatya at the exhibition

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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