Li Ruohong meets with Berkeley professor and his
Date:2014-09-24     Source:BJIPCF     Count:13496

On 23th September, Professor Li Ruohongmeets with reputated scholar David J.Teece. Accompanying Mr.Teece is professorof Hass School of Business- University of California at Berkeley, he is alsothe founder of Dynamic Capabilities.

Professor Li Ruohong took Mr.Teece andhis wife a tour in Peace Garden Museum and started the discussion. In thebeginning, Mr.Li gave an introduction to China World Peace Foundation andBeijing International Peace Culture Foundation to Mr. Teece and two professorstalk in detail about Mr. Li’s concept of “peace+1”. In this regard, they seeinto in depth how Peace can be combined with commerce, sport, and culture so asto promote peaceMr. Teece thinks highly of Mr. Li’s think tank research, and twopartis agree to carry out further cooperation in this sector.

After the meeting, Professor Li offeredhis book<NGOs in China>to Mr. Teece as a gift,

Group photo of all participants of themeeting in Tea House

Mr. Teece accepted the book with joy;Mr. Li was wearing the “Cal”logo cap

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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