Chinese NGO holds "Peace Garden Peace Festival" with UNESCO
Date:2014-09-22     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12437

19thSeptember, “Peace Garden Peace Festival” jointly hold by China World PeaceFoundation, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and UNESCO at theoccasion of the Internationl Peace Day, welcomed 300 foreigndiplomats,students, political and party leaders,cultural celebrities from 70 countries.Guests participate in the Forum,and inaugurated the UNESCO Director-GeneralBokova’s Peace dedication to the Peace Garden Museum, flying dove of peace in aprayer to the world peace.

UNESCORepresentative and Vice Chairman of the Tenth National People's Congress HeLuli, together with former leaders of Beijing municipality Zhang Jianmin and ZhaoQi, executive vice president of Beijing People's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries, Tian Yan and Guo Aihua, China World Peace FoundationChairman Li Ruohong flying dove of peace.

UNESCORepresentative and Vice Chairman of the Tenth National People's Congress HeLuli, together with former leaders of Beijing municipality Zhang Jianmin and ZhaoQi, executive vice president of Beijing People's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries, Tian Yan and Guo Aihua, China World Peace FoundationChairman Li Ruohong at the opening ceremony the peace dedication tablet.

Speeches aredeliverd respectively by Chairman of the China World Peace Foundation LiRuohong, head of missions of African ambassadors& Ambassador of Madagasca,representativeof the Arab League Office, former deputy director of the Foreign AffairsCommittee of the CPPCC National Committee, president of Beijing Foreign AffairsCollege, Ambassador Wu Jianmin, president of International Exhibitions Bureau,the famous CCTV host Bai Yansong and Nanjing University "PeaceStudies" Professor Liu Cheng, Professor Ouyang Kang, deputy partysecretary, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing People'sAssociation for friendship with Foreign Countries, executive vice presidentTian Yan

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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