China Austria Volunteer Base starts a New Journey of Civilization Diplomacy between China and Europe
Date:2023-04-29     Source:BJIPCF     Count:7765

On April 28th, the Austrian Embassy in China and the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation held the inauguration ceremony of the China Austria Volunteer Base with the theme of understanding, dialogue, and hope at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum.

H.E.Mr. Andreas Riecken, Austrian Ambassador to China, H.E.Mr.Li Ruohong, President of the China World Peace Foundation, and the Vice President of the Austrian Service Abroad delivered speeches respectively. They made constructive proposals and expectations on international conflict situations, the construction of the "Silk Road" and the integration of Eastern and Western civilizations.

Senior leaders from central government agencies and Beijing city, as well as guests from home and abroad, witnessed the cooperation agreement between the  Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation held and the Austrian Embassy in China, and watched the unveiling ceremony of the Austrian Ambassador to China's Peace Landscape Stone. In the holy song of the Chinese and foreign choirs, the Peace Messenger from Austria was sworn in. This is the first time in the history of the Republic of Austria to send a peace volunteer to Beijing, China. He will be stationed at the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation to promote civil diplomacy between the two countries.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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