BPAFFC held meeting of the Seventh Council Chairman Li Ruohong reappo|inted Vice President of BPAFFC
Date:2014-04-23     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11437

     On April 22, 2014 Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(BPAFFC) held the first meeting of The 7thCouncil of BPAFFC.About 230 leaders from Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, MunicipalPeople's Congress, the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference andassociated municipal departments as well as the council members of BPAFFC attendedthe meeting. Representatives listened to the work report of the 6th Council, deliberated and passed  the reporton modifying the statutesof BPAFFC. Mr. Lv Xiwen was elected Presidentand Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation and DirectorGeneral of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation was reappointed Vice Presidentof the seventh Council.

    On behalf of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship withForeign Countries,VicePresidentXie Yuancongratulated for the opening of the plenarysession. He said, for more than 30 years, with the support of all councilmembers and friends from different circles who are enthusiastic on people-to-peoplediplomacy, BPAFFC has established friendly cooperative relations with 226friendship organizations of 65 countries, has effectively promoted the mutualunderstanding and friendships between the people of the capital city and the peopleof countries and regions all over the world, and has enhanced the exchanges andcooperation between each other.

Three proposals weremade on the session for the new Council: to in-depth study and implement the spiritof CCP's 18th plenary session, to confirm the new idea of reform anddevelopment on people to people diplomacy according to the requirment of the MunicipalParty Committee; to create a new situation in Beijing on the people to peoplediplomacy in reliance upon the need of building Beijing into an internationalcommunication center; to reinforce the transformation of working style, providestrong guarantee for the renovation and reform in the people to peoplediplomacy field.

The newly elected Presidentand Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Mr. LV Xiwen has giventhree requests to BPAFFC for its future works: First, a even better job shouldbe done on the people to people diplomacy, with the guidance of the spirit of theimportant speeches given by President Xi Jinping, cultivate a global view, thesense of responsibility, and the sense of priority of virtue; secondly, to furtherimprove the level of Beijing people to people diplomatic work by finding target-oriented,accurate positioning, and outstanding features,positively serve the state's overalldiplomacy, serve the reform and development of the capital and to play a role inpromoting cultural exchanges; thirdly, to promote the people to peoplediplomacy in Beijing with a highly motivated mind. 

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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