Dr. Li Ruohong Had Talks with Arab League Ambassador H. E. Mahmud H.Elamin
Date:2019-01-29     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11630

On January 28th, 2019, Dr. Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation (BIIPCF), Lu Qingcheng, Secretary-general of CWPF  and BJIPCF and their delegation went to the Representative Office of the  Arab League in China. During the talks, the two sides reviewed the history of friendly exchanges in the past, looked forward to the future vision of cooperation in people-to-people exchanges, science, technology and education, and indicated that they will make greater efforts to promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchanges between China and the Arab region.

Dr. Li Ruohong Had Talks with Arab League Ambassador H. E. Mahmud H.ELamin (First from Left)

H.E. Ambassador Mahmud H. Elamin said that the two sides have maintained friendly cooperative relations in the past and hoped that in the future, the two sides will further strengthen ties and cooperate with each other to launch more projects in important areas such as economy, finance and science and technology so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

Dr. Li Ruohong said, the two sides should continue to work together to promote China and the Arab world peace cause and the development of education, to enhance  bilateral entrepreneur interaction, to further strengthen China and Arab in all areas of connectivity, to strengthen the Asian civilizations’ interaction and innovation, under the framework of “An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads”project, so as to create the China-Arab common community. All these will contribute to build a common community of all mankind for a shared future.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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