Delegation of China World Peace Foundation Visiting Ecological city—Guiyang
Date:2014-03-31     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12333

A delegation led by Li Rouhong,Chairman of China World Peace Foundation paid a 3 days visit to Guiyang from 26thto 28th of March 2014.

The delegation has met with Mr. Chen Gang,member of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Guiyang MunicipalParty Committeeand other leaders from different departments of Guiyang PartyCommittee and Government.They have talked about building Guiyang into anecological and smart city.

Delegation members companied by local governmentleaders have inspected the city network constructions of public security systemand environmental protection devices. They have learnt that Guiyang has a niceenvironment for investment and development space for a cosmopolitan city.  

When Chairman Li Rouhong was asked abouthis impression of the visit to Guiyang, he said, “Guiyang has good policy, goodconcept, good ecological environment and good opportunity”. 

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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