National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development Art Preview and Launching Ceremony of Special Funds Held in Beijing
Date:2018-11-11     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11913

Recently, “National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development Art Preview”, which reflects the content of“National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development Project” jointly conducted by the Chinese Government and  the United Nations Development Programme and the launching ceremony of special funds was held in Peace Garden Museum, located in the Beijing “Belt and Road” Embassador Village.

This exhibition aims to promote “Disaster  Prevention and Culture Development ” section in the “four missions” of  the cooperation memorandum. Zuo Fengyi, Zhao Baoqin, Guo Baoqing, Zhou Qingfeng, Shi Hailong and shutterbugs among volunteers created eight calligraphy works, five Chinese paintings, five oil paintings, two oil paintings, and nine photography works. They created the works by gaining inspirations from the disasters such as earthquakes, fires, mudslides, traffic accidents and old Chinese sayings, idioms and slogans, like “In all things,success lies in previous preparations and there will be failure without previous preparations.”, “Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.”, “Your attitude towards disasters determines your distance from disasters”, as well as the documentary photographs of public welfare activities of national disaster prevention recorded with the lens. These art works are distinctive in theme and rich in content, laying a good foundation for the official exhibition next year.

The launching ceremony of four special funds was held at the same time. Two of them related to disaster preention and culture development are the “Disaster Prevention and Culture Development Public Welfare Fund” and “Disaster Prevention Education Popularization and Legal Guarantee Public Welfare Fund”, mainly used for building of national disaster prevention cultural complex,  the popularization of disaster prevention education, studies of leagal guarantee and so on; the other two related to culture are “Special Fund for Culture and Art” and “Special Fund for the Development and Legal Gurantee of Cultural Industry”, mainly for international exchange of culture and art,cultural and creative industries "two innovation" and researches on legal guarantee.

Li Zhongan, Member of the Standing Committee of the 10th and 11th National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Law Committee and Director of Expert Committee of the National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development Project Management Office; H.E. Faisal Mohamed, Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives to China, and his wife, Jeehan Saleem; Mr. Toumert, Consultant of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in China and Secretary General of the China-Moroco Friendship Association; Mr. Frantz Aubry, Representative of Haiti's Trade Development Office in China; Mr. Amar Zafar Khan, Representative fromPakistan's financial circle;  Li Zhiming,  Director of Center for SME Cooperation and Development Promotion; Hou Bing, Deputy Director of Publicity Department of the CPC and the State Organs Work Committee; Gang Wenzhe, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the China University of Political Science and Law; Li Ruohong, President of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation; Aikebaier Mjiiti, Member of the 11th and 12th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Executive Vice President of Chinese Film Literature Society and Vice President of Council of National Disaster Prevention Coalition Secetariat; Han Lu, former Executive Vice President of Red Cross Societyof China Beijing Branch and Vice President of Council of National Disaster Prevention Coalition Secetariat; Peng Tao, Vice President of Council of National Disaster Prevention Coalition Secetariat; Yang Pengchong, Chairman of Seek (Tianjin) Technological Enterprise Incubator Co., Ltd.,  and Vice President and Executive Secretary of Council of National Disaster Prevention Coalition Secetariat; Zhu Hairong, Deputy General Manager of China Film Group Sales Company; Kong Xiangdong, a Pianist; Wang Jingguang,a Film director; Lu Weiquan, Executive Deputy Director of Jiuqing Art Museum, a young European singer and Ambassador of National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development; Wang Yang, General manager of Aoyun Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and all the artists participating in the event unveiled special funds. Nearly 50 people from Ministries, universities, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and new classes visited the exhibition and witnessed the launching ceremony.

Chen Chen, Deputy director of Center for SME Cooperatiion Development and Promotion Center, Head of National Disaster Prevention ad Culture Development Office, and Chairman of Councial of National Disaster Prevention  Coalition Secretariat hosted the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Kong Xiangdong, the famous pianist, the volunteer of the Disaster Prevention Coalition, and Ambassador of National Disaster Prevention and Culture Development public welfare activities,donated "Kong Xiangdong Music Diary 20160501", authorized the music copyright of "Children in Paradise" to the  Councial of National Disaster Prevention Coalition Secretariat and played an impromptu piano song for everyone.

Lv WeiQuan, the young European singer, sang "Homesickness" and for everyone, "Nessum Dorma" of "Turandot" under the piano accompaniment of Kong Xiangdo.

The organizers of the exhibition included China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange, Ministry of Commerce, the United Nations Development Program, and Natinal SME Council. The co-organizers were the National Disaster Prevention ad Culture Development Office, and Chairman of Councial of National Disaster Prevention  Coalition Secretariat, Center for SME Cooperation Development and Promotion of Disaster Prevention Work Committee. Jiuqing Art Museum represented the under-taker of this event.

The initiators of the special fund were the Pre-disaster Working Committee of the SME Cooperation and Development Promotion Center and the Jiuqing Art Museum. The four charitable special funds were put in Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and Education Foundation og China University of Political Science and Technology. The sponsors were Seek (Tianjin) Technology Enterprise Incubator Co., Ltd. and Aoyun Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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