Chinese and Overseas Financiers Celebrate Women’s Day at Peace Garden Museum
Date:2014-03-08     Source:BJIPCF     Count:13449

In order tocelebrate the 104th Anniversary of International Working Women’sDay, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation held Chinese and Overseas FinanciersSalon at Peace Garden Museum on Mar 5th. High-level representativesand female presidents of World Bank, Montreal Bank, Citibank, SCB, HSBC, ANZBank, Rabobank, Wing Hang Bank, BEA, Nanyang Commercial BankMetropolitan Bank & Trust, Bank ofKorea, Merrill Lynch, Hang Seng Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Rural CommercialBank, Shengjing Bank, Dalian Bank, China Everbright Bank, Baoshang Bank,Cummins (China) Investment Co. Ltd, Caterpillar (China) Investment Co. Ltd,China International Capital Corporation Ltd, China CIFCO Investment Co. Ltd, CITICGroup, CITIC Finance Co. Ltd, Mminsheng Securities, ING Insurance, Aegon LifeInsurance Inc, MetLife, Beijing Futures Association and other 30 internationalfinancial groups attended this event.

Chairman of ChinaWorld Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohong pointed out at the event that, “As thecore of capital economy circle, Beijing is the national center for politics,culture, technological innovation and international exchanges. It is ourresponsibility to make contributions to the construction of capital economy. Ourfoundation is willing to take use of Peace plus One public welfare mode tobuild diplomatic public welfare platform for Chinese and overseas financiersand to set up platform for social responsibility, so that more financial groupswill give better play to social responsibilities as a corporate citizen and getmore involved in international public welfare programs.

    Chairman of China WorldPeace Foundation and Secretary General of Beijing International Peace CultureFoundation Mr. Li Ruohong delivered a speech at the event. He expressed hiswish that Chinese and overseas financiers can take use of Peace plus One publicwelfare mode to effectively support developing countries, impoverished areasand disadvantaged groups.

    Representative from MarcheRegion in Italy attended this event at the invitation of Mr. Li Ruohong. He expressedhis wish to work with China World Peace Foundation for promoting the exchangesand cooperation between these two countries in aspects of culture, sports, artand economy.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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