From the Anti-fascist War to the “Belt and Road”
Date:2018-10-26     Source:BJIPCF     Count:17968

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE held in Beijing. Venue of the event.

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE was held at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum. The event was organized by the China World Peace Foundation, the Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China Society for  People's Friendship Studies, and Beijing Party History Research Center of the CPC  Central Committee. The Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, the Beijing Peace Garden Museum, the Beijing Peace and Health Development Center  and Belt. china. org.cn were the undertakers of this event. Mr. Hong Jie, Representatives ofthe Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Hong Jie, Mr. Jean-Louis BUSSIERE, Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE's son, Mr. Eric Foster, Eric Snow's nephew,  Mr. Frantz AUBRY, Haiti's Temporary Representative of Office of Commercial Development of Haiti in China, Mr. Zhang Wei, " The Legend of BUSSIERE" 's author and other guests attended the commemoration.

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE held at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum. Dr. Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation delivered a speech.

Dr. Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, said in his speech that Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE, the French doctor, is an old friend of the Chinese people and a doctor, like Bethune, who selflishly helped the Chinese people. The Bicycle Hump Course created by him has become a favorite tale among the international community. He not only made contributions to the Chinese national liberation, but also to the friendship between France and China and to the course of world peace. His life is remembered by many and has been written into the annals of history.

Dr. Li Ruohong also introduced "An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads" project together with UNESCO. Among the ten themes under the project, one is called medicine and pharmacology. This September, international organizations and we had jointly supported the promotion of Chinese medicine from Gansu province and this is a demonstration of cultural diversity and our new measure following the Peace +1 path. 

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE held at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum.President Li Ruohong (first from left) showed Mr. Jean-Louis BUSSIERE and his wife around the BEijing Peace Garden Museum.

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE held at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum.President Li Ruohong awarded the Peace Ambassador Medal to Mr. Jean-Louis BUSSIERE, Mr. Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE's son.

On October 25th, the 60th Anniversary of the Death of French doctor--Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE held at the Beijing Peace Garden Museum.Group photo of the guests in this event.

Mr. Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE

Mr. Jean-Louis BUSSIERE, Mr. Jean Jérome Augustin BUSSIERE's son

Mr. Eric Snow

Mr. Eric Foster, Eric Snow's nephew

Mr. Michael Lindsay

Mr. James Lindsay, Michael Lindsay's son

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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