Dr. Li Ruohong Attended 2018 China-Mexica Business Summit
Date:2018-10-19     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11255

H.E. José Luis Bernal, Ambassador of Mexico to China delivered a speech at the summit

On October 18th, 2018, Professor Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, attended the China-Mexico Summit in 2018. The theme of the conference was "Strengthening China - Latin America and Caribbean Relations."

Professor Li Ruohong accepted the Certificate of Honorary Advisor from the MEXCHAM

On behalf of the Mexican political and business organization, Dr. Efren Calvo, President of MEXCHAM, presented the honorary advisory certificate to Professor Li Ruohong and the Colombian Ambassador to China, the Ecuadorian Ambassador to China and etc., and pointed out: "China World Peace Foundation  and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, as our partner, together with UNESCO, contributes to China and Asia's cooperation and exchanges with Latin America and the Caribbean.

Group photo of Dr. Li Ruohong, diplomatic envoys,diplomatic envoys, entrepreneur representatives and experts and scholars

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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