Li Ruohong Meets with Delegations from Morocco, Nepal and South Korea
Date:2014-03-03     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11394

On Feb 26th, Moroccan AmbassadorJaafar Al Hakim held a friendly talk with Mr. Li Ruohong at Peace GardenMuseum. They reviewed recent works of China-Morocco Friendship Association anddiscussed the plan of organizing the 2nd calligraphy and paintingexhibition as well as project investment and cultural cooperation. This meetingbrought new opportunities for deepening China-Morocco economic and culturalcooperation. 


Co-presidents of China-Morocco Friendship Association and theirfamilies in front of the traditional Moroccan furniture collected in PeaceGarden Museum. 

Onthe same day, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohong held a meetingwith 12 senators from Nepal at the invitation of Nepali ambassador to China. Guestsat the meeting all agreed that China and Nepal are friendly neighbors with adjoiningmountains and rivers. The long standing friendship is a good model of neighborrelationship. Mr. Li Ruohong said that promoting friendship between people fromNepal and China shall be based on the concept of “Peace plus One”, anddeepening the understanding of each other would be inseparable fromcharacteristic cultural exchange and interactive economic cooperation. His suggestionwas highly ranked by the guests.

在尼泊尔使馆与议会代表团会谈现场Meetingat Nepali embassy
与议员代表团团长乐卡克先生交流后,李若弘向他赠送了自己的著作《中国NGO》Mr.Li Ruohong presented his book “NGOs in China” to head of Nepali senatordelegation

Onthe same day, President of Korea-China Regional Economic Association Mr. Sang-KiLee visited Peace Garden and talked with Mr. Li Ruohong about the work plan anddevelopment points of this association. He hoped that Mr. Li Ruohong couldattend the governmental and social forum in Korea this year and extend itscooperation with Korean government in aspects of youth, culture, art, sports,trade and museum as well. They also exchanged their opinions about somecultural issues they both concerned.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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