President Li Ruohong Meets Charge d'affaires of Uruguayan Embassy in Beijing
Date:2017-11-28     Source:BJIPCF     Count:10608

On November 27th, Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation met Agustina Casavalle, charge d'affaires of the Embassy of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in Beijing at the Peace Garden Museum. Ms. Casavalle expressed her appreciation for the effort from the Foundation in organizing the event dedicated to the first anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro Ruz with the Embassy of Cuba in Beijing. She also expressed the hope that the Uruguay Embassy can jointly organize a celebration commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Uruguay and China in February next year, and delivered the expectation that both sides can cooperate in various fields, especially in sports, OBOR and clean energy in an effort to promote world peace. President Li introduced the Foundation’s founding history, mission and practices of public welfare to the charge d'affaires, and expressed the willingness to bridge cooperation with the Uruguayan side on influential projects that have positive impact on the whole region. Li is also willing to assist the Uruguayan government to increase its recognition in China and promote Chinese enterprises to conduct trade and investment in Uruguay. After the meeting, the charge d'affaires was happy to sign her name on the piano in the museum and played one of the classic compositions of her country. 

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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