North Korean Ambassador to China Unveiled Peace Landscape Stone at Peace Garden Museum
Date:2014-02-28     Source:BJIPCF     Count:14587

Ambassador Ji JaeRyong, Mr. Zhao Jiaqi and Mr. Li Ruohong unveiled the inscription landscapestone

On Feb 27th, 2014, Mr. Ji Jae Ryong, North Korean Ambassadorto China, and cultural counselor of North Korean embassy Mr. Mun Song Hyok visitedBeijing International Peace Garden Museum. An unveiling ceremony for Ambassador’sinscription landscape stone was also held at Peace Garden Museum. After that,President of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation Mr. Zhao Jiaqi,Vice President and Chairman of Beijing International Peace Culture FoundationMr. Li Ruohong held friendly talks with Ambassador Ji Jae Ryong. Their talkstouched cultural and economic exchanges between China and North Korea, people’slivelihood projects and maintaining regional peace. 

Mr. Zhao Jiaqiand Mr. Li Ruohong accompanied the Ambassador to visit China-Africa FriendshipTrees and 177 landscape stones. 

The Ambassador also visited the exhibits displayed in Peace GardenMuseum. These exhibits include some precious collections presented by the GreatLeader of North Korea Mr. Kim Jong-Un, as well as heads and governmentdelegations from different states.  TheAmbassador remarked in front of the paintings created by North Korean artistsand painters from other countries, “Your foundation kept conductinginternational exchanges based on the principles of justice, tolerance and openness.This is truly the peace garden where people do friendly communication withother countries. Sincerely wish Korea-China friendship as long standing as theYalu River.”

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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