Li Ruohong Attended Reception in Memory of Chinese Immigrants to Cuba
Date:2017-06-16     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11992

At the invitation of the Cuban ambassador to China H.E. Miguel Angel Ramirez Ramos, Dr. Li Ruohong, president of China World Peace Foundation attended the reception held by the Cuban Embassy to mark the 170th Anniversary of the arrival of the first Chinese immigrants to Cuba.

The Cuban ambassador H.E. Miguel Angel Ramirez Ramos reviewed the history of Chinese Cubans. The first Chinese immigrants arrived at Cuba on June 3, 1847. Since then, Chinese Cubans have been making remarkable contributions to the liberalization and social development of Cuba with their diligence, wisdom and sacrifice. The ambassador mentioned in particular that a number of Chinese Cubans served key positions in the Cuban army during the independence war. Their outstanding military talent and precious characters had won respect from the entire Cuban society – ‘There was not a single Chinese Cuban deserter, nor a single Chinese Cuban traitor.” After the war, Chinese intellectuals, artists, scientists, and martial art teachers have made extraordinary contributions to Cuba’s development in economy, science, and culture. They are closely integrated into Cuban society and have left special historic and cultural heritage. The Cuban society admires Chinese culture, values, and tradition. The two countries, though far apart geographically, have built strong bilateral ties that have withstood the test of time.

In memory of the arrival of the first Chinese immigrants to Cuba, the Cuban Embassy has held an essay competition “Cuba and China – Great Friendship for 170 years”, and its award ceremony was held at the reception. A group of Cuban teachers and Chinese students performed wonderful songs and dances that evoked an enthusiastic ambiance. All guests joined them in celebrating the everlasting friendship between the two peoples.

Group photo of Dr. Li Ruohong, Cuban ambassador to China, and participants of the reception

Dr. Li Ruohong exchanged ideas with ambassadors from Caribbean countries

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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