Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation Works with Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation to Help Special Groups
Date:2014-01-08     Source:BJIPCF     Count:11195

On Jan 7th,2014, President of Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation Ms. Wu Wenyan visitedPeace Garden. Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation andSecretary General of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and Mr. WuShimin, Vice-President of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation had adiscussion and reached a consensus with Ms. Wu Wenyan about some issues likehow to accelerate the building of Beijing to a world city, support specialgroups in Beijing to integrate domestic and international society in differentfields so as to achieve equal share. 

On the meeting Ms.Wu Wenyan pointed out that the discrimination on special groups comes from thegroups themselves. Consciousness disorders are more urgently to be solvedcompared with physical ones. The idea of eliminating barriers and improvingintegration through sincere care and love was put forward. Mr. Li Ruohong saidthat Beijing should build a harmonious and happy environment for special groupsand activate them in terms of academic theory, culture, art, sports and health.Then they can enhance their self-esteem and confidence. Further from that, weshould also encourage the special groups in Beijing to step out and helpspecial groups in underdeveloped countries to develop sustainable manufacturingindustry to promote integration with international society. 


Beijing DisabledPersons’ Federation visits Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation


President ofBeijing Disabled Persons’ Federation of Ms. Wu Wenyan gives the handicraft madeby special groups to Mr. Li Ruohong

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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