Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation Has a Discussion with Entrepreneurs and Educators
Date:2014-01-01     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12027

OnDec 3rd, 2013, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundationinvited Mr. Xing Gongjie, President of Beijing Association for Enterprises withForeign Investment, Vice President of BMO China and President of BMO ChinaBeijing Branch, Mr. Ding Guoliang, Vice President of HSBC China, Mr. TengHongjun, Vice President of Citibank China and President of Citibank ChinaBeijing Branch, Mr. Xu Qiwei, Global Vice President of Cisco and President ofCisco China Zone, Mr. Li Jianmin, Vice President of Samsung Greater China, Mr.Lu Haijun, President of Beijing Energy Investment Holding Company, Mr. ZhangFuping, President of Beiijng Sunlon Company and other leaders from NDRC,Beijing municipal CPPCC and People’s Literature Publishing House to have ameeting in Beijing.

The governmental leaders, entrepreneurs,educators and cultural scholars exchanged ideas on new thoughts and newopportunities coming along with new round of reform in fields of society,economy and culture. The entrepreneurs also introduced the social responsibilitiesthey have taken in 2013 and shared their expectations on the challenges andopportunities during Chinese economic transformation. They spoke highly of theactive role China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International PeaceCulture Foundation have played in building international exchange platform,improving world economic and cultural exchanges, and other international publicwelfare programs. Mr. Li Ruohong extended his thanks to the representatives fortheir support and contributions to China World Peace Foundation and BeijingInternational Peace Culture Foundation. 


group photo ofinternational entrepreneurs and scholars at the meeting

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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