Pakistan Ambassador H.E MASOOD KHALID visits the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
Date:2017-01-05     Source:BJIPCF     Count:10596

On January 5,2017,Pakistan Ambassador Mr.MASOOD KHALID led the officers from the embassy invisiting the BJIPCF at the start of the new year. Dr.Li Ruohong, China WorldPeace Foundation president and Pakistan national economic adviser, held a worksession with the Pakistan delegation, and planted Himalayan cedar, a nationaltree of Pakistan, with H.E to celebrate the friendship between China andPakistan. Dr.Li then accompanied ambassador once again to the Peace GardenMuseum, also renowned as mini UN, and introduced various national gifts fromforeign countries and the history of the museum. H.E was very impressed by thediversity, the preciousness and the influence of the collection. Ambassador andembassy officials also put forward a friendly and frank proposal to establishan in-depth communication mechanism with the Foundation. Dr. Li shared with theguests his views on the current political and economic spheres in China andaround the world and the work plan of the Foundation in 2017. H.E briefed Dr.Lithe plan of establishing a relocation zone for foreign businesses in Pakistan,and the facilitation measures that Pakistan can provide for China and theBJIPCF. As the final part of the meeting, H.E gladly left a message on theguestbook, highly praising the contribution the Foundation has made forpromoting the world peace.   

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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