Zhao Jiaqi and Li Ruohong Led a Delegation to Attend Peace and Sport Forum in Monaco
Date:2013-11-09     Source:BJIPCF     Count:18291
President Zhao Jiaqi,Mr. Li Ruohong met with the First Lady Ms. Aminata Maiga Keitau of Mali
Mr. Li Ruohong metwith Prince Albert II of Monaco

President Zhao Jiaqimet with Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Ms. Michele Alliot Marie
赵家骐理事长、李若弘主席会见和平与体育组织主席布祖President Zhao Jiaqi, Mr. Li Ruohong met with Chairman of Peace and Sport Organization Mr. Joel Bouzou

The 7th Peace and Sport Forum was held from Nov 6th to Nov 8th, 2013. Prince Albert II of Monaco, First Lady Ms. Aminata Maiga Keitau of Mali, President Anthony of Trinidad and Tobago, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms. Michel Aliot Marie of France, Chairman of Peace and Sport Forum Joel Bouzou, and other more than 700 governmental representatives, sport officials, representatives of international organizations, representatives of NGOs and famous sport champions from more than 100 countries attended this forum.

Director General of Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation Mr. Zhao Jiaqi and Chairman of China World Peace Foundation Mr. Li Ruohong led a delegation to attend this forum. The theme of this forum was sharing the knowledge and technology of building peace, the value of sports in solving social problems, sport being the tool of building peace for different countries, the measures sport shall take during peace progress, and the continuous input to sport with economic mode. President Anthony of Trinidad and Tobago said, “As the government, we cannot force the sport organizations to do things for us, but we can lead them to make the correct choice with political and economic influence.” Chairman of Peace and Sport Mr. Joel Bouzou said that taking use of the neutral stand of sport is an efficient way to solve international disputes. First Lady Ms. Aminata Maiga Keitau of Mali said that sport could be used as a fusogen to accelerate the integration of new immigrants. Public Diplomatic Ambassador Mr. Young Sam Ma of South Korea said, “A series of international sport events organized in Korea have promoted the physical and spiritual development at all round. Sport allows Korean to become international citizen in more fields.” Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms. Michele Alliot Marie of France pointed out, “Sport unifies people while politics separates people. Sport helps us to understand that the rules we need are from the spirit of sport rather than political regulations.”

During the communication with politicians, leaders of international organizations and champions, Mr. Li Ruohong said that he and his foundation will work with the partners in different countries to concern about international major issues, alleviate social conflicts, help impoverished countries and disadvantaged groups, develop brand and resource advantages, promote the prosperity of peace and sport, as well as accelerate the success of MDG. On this forum, world fencing champion Laura Flessel-Colovic in France, 5-km Olympic champion VénusteNiyongabo in Burundi and former NBA player Sidiki Sidibé in France agreed to be the peace ambassador of China World Peace Foundation. At the closing ceremony, Peace and Sport Organization praised the communities, organizations and projects that have made contributions to peace and sport. 

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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