CWPF Director Mr. Lu Xiaoming Led Chinese NGOs Delegation to Attend Peace and Sport Forum in Monaco
Date:2016-12-06     Source:BJIPCF     Count:12106

Mr. Lu Xiaoming, director of China World Peace Foundation, also a partner organization under Prince of Monaco’s support, led a delegation to attend Peace and Sport Forum 2016 on 23rd November, the night before Thanksgiving Day. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Bouzou, president of Peace and Sport Organization, reviewed his friendship with his Chinese friend Mr. Guo Chuan. Together with Albert II, prince of Monaco, Mr. Bouzou expressed their gratitude to all guests present including Chinese delegation. Like previous years, the forum attracted many Olympic champions, who under Director Lu’s cordial invitation all accepted the honor of “Peace Ambassador” at China World Peace Foundation. Mr. Lu had friendly conversations with sports organisations and came to a decision to host Peace and Sport Forum in Beijing next time.    

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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