Maldivian Ambassador and MP visit the Peace Garden
Date:2016-10-10     Source:BJIPCF     Count:10827

On October 9th 2016, Dr. Li Ruohong, president of China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation met with Maldivian MP delegation led by Maldivian ambassador to China, H.E. Mohamed Faisal and his wife. They signed on the piano that bears the signatures of political dignitaries from various countries and international celebrities. 

President Li discussed with the ambassador and his wife on a number of issues such as the food culture in China and Maldives, climate change, public welfare and philanthropy, through which the friendly cooperation between the two countries as well as regional peace in South Asia is promoted.

President Li with Maldivian parliament delegation

President Li giving Maldivian delegation a tour around Peace Garden Museum

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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