Li Ruohong Meets Tunisian Olympic Committee President
Date:2016-06-28     Source:BJIPCF     Count:13718

On 27th of June 2016, Mr. Mehrez Boussayene, president of Tunisian Olympic Committee, visited King’s Garden with the company of Tunisian Ambassador to China H.E. Tarek Amri.

Dr. Li Ruohong, chairman of China World Peace Foundation, told Mr. Boussayene and H.E. Tarek Amri the story behind each collection in Peace Garden Museum and his peace vision amidst One Belt One Road. They had shared visualization on the projects regarding to sports, culture and the cause of peace. Li said “Only by learning to tell a good story, can we do projects well.” He believes that a project, from financing to operation, needs to be supported by a cultural theme because consumers are not just buying reality but dream. Mr. Boussayene agreed with Li and proposed to combine projects and philosophy of Peace and Sports as well as Peace and Culture, which was set forth by Chairman Li. 

After the meeting, Dr. Li Ruohong, Mr. Boussayene and H.E. Tarek Amri toured around Peace Garden and took group photos.

Li Ruohong, Mehrez Boussayene, president of Tunisian Olympic committee, and Tunisian Ambassador to China H.E. Tarek Amri


Li Ruohong, Mehrez Boussayene, president of Tunisian Olympic committee, and Tunisian Ambassador to China H.E. Tarek Amri


Mr. Mehrez Boussayene signed on the Peace Piano.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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