Mr. LI Ruohong Talks with Pakistan's Foreign Affairs Adviser
Date:2016-04-29     Source:BJIPCF     Count:14184

On April 29, Mr.LI Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation, attended the lecture delivered by H.E. Mr. Sartaj Aziz, the Pakistan's foreign affairs adviser to the Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan at the China Institute of modern international relations.

Before the lecture Chairman LI Ruohong and H.E. Mr.Aziz exchanged opinions briefly on the issues of regional security and economic development in South Asia. Both of them were optimistic about the CPEC’s role in promoting economy between China and Pakistan and it’s bridging role to connect China and the Middle East.

Ambassador SHA Zukang, Former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and the Secretary general of the Conference of  Sustainable Development , also attended the lecture.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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