Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation and Peace Garden Museum are founded
Date:2013-05-23     Source:BJIPCF     Count:15796

Mr. Wen Qingyun, Director of Beijing Social Organization Administrative Office, issued legal representative certificate to Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation

Unveiling ceremony of Peace Garden Museum

Unveiling ceremony of Peace Garden Museum

Moroccan Ambassador delivered congratulation speech to Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation on behalf of present foreign diplomatic envoys

Moroccan Ambassador delivered congratulation speech to Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation on behalf of present foreign diplomatic envoys

On May 15th, 2013, BeijingInternational Peace Culture Foundation and Peace Garden Museum was officiallyset up. More than 100 guests including foreign diplomatic envoys from over 30countries, leaders of Chinese party, government and military system, presidentsof multinational enterprises and social celebrities in aspects of art andculture attended this event. Mr. Wen Qingyun, Director of Beijing SocialOrganization Administrative Office, issued legal representative certificate toBeijing International Peace Culture Foundation. Meanwhile, director of BeijingForeign Affairs Office unveiled for Peace Garden Museum.

Beijing International Peace CultureFoundation is a public foundation approved by Chinese government on Feb 22nd,2013. It aims at carrying on traditional culture and developing forward moderncivilization. The business scope ranges from support cultural development,public welfare programs, public facility construction and cultural heritageconservation.

Mr. Zhao Jiaqi expressed in his speechthat, The foundation as an important platform for Chinese folk diplomacy wouldpositively participate in bilateral and multilateral exchanges concerninginternational major and hotspot issues, promoting Chinese opening up policiesand peaceful development paths, and innovating cooperative mechanisms. Bytaking the mode of “Peace Plus”, the foundation promotes NGOs in China forinternational exchanges and cooperation, broadens the channel forpeople-to-people communication, improves NGOs’ external exchange ability andlevel, and contributes to the development for Chinese folk diplomacy.

Mr. Li Ruohong, the initiator and legalrepresentative of the Foundation, is a internationally respected peaceambassador and folk diplomat. As Mr. Li said in his speech, the world keepschanging. Peaceful development provides more space for Chinese culturalinheritance and cultural exchange. People’s social responsibilities are muchmore important than ever. Taking the Peace Plus model, Beijing InternationalPeace Culture Foundation and Peace Garden Museum will work with differentgovernments and international organizations through cultural diplomacy todevelop creative cultural programs and cultural products in aspects of art,education, sports, health, tourism and environment, so as to serve for worldpeople.

Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation
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