发布日期:2019-08-22     来源:BJIPCF     浏览次数:15247





塔吉克斯坦使馆一秘MIROVA DILORO 女士


土库曼斯坦使馆二等秘书施海耶夫在沙龙上介绍到:“中土是友好国家和可靠的战略伙伴,两国成功地发展了多层面关系。我们的历史关系始于伟大的帕提亚王国时期的丝绸之路的黎明时刻。”(Turkmenistan and China are friendly countries and reliable strategic partners, successfully developing their multifaceted relations. Our historical ties started at the dawn of the Great Silk Road at times of the Parthian Kingdom.)


世界上最大的跨界土库曼斯坦-中国天然气管道于2009年建成,全长1800公里。迄今为止,中国这个有价值、可靠的天然气进口国,已从土库曼斯坦22个省5亿多居民中获得2500多亿立方米天然气。(The world’s largest transboundary Turkmenistan-China Gas Pipeline stretching 1,800 kilometres was built in 2009. Till today China, the valuable and reliable importer, has received more than 250 billion cubic meters of gas from Turkmenistan for its more than 500 million residents of 22 provinces.)

交通和互联互通是另一个重点领域。通过整合土库曼斯坦和中国的交通走廊,寻找最短路线成为双边合作的重要议程项目。2014年12月,全长960公里的哈萨克斯坦-土库曼斯坦-伊朗跨国铁路投入运营,仅土库曼斯坦铁路长达800公里,这及时解决了这个问题。因此,在铁路连接土库曼斯坦和中国的同时,中国和伊朗之间1万多公里的距离变得更短,货运列车仅用14天就通过了这条路线。(Transportation and Connectivity are another priority area. Finding the shortest route became an important bilateral cooperation agenda item by means of integrating transport corridors of Turkmenistan and China. Commissioning of 960 kilometres transnational railway Kazakhstan- Turkmenistan-Iran in December 2014, with 800 kilometres in Turkmenistan alone, was a timely resolution for the issue. Therefore, while connecting Turkmenistan and China, the distance of more than 10,000 kilometres between China and Iran became shorter and freight trains pass this route just in 14 days.)

土库曼斯坦可以进入里海。土库曼巴什海港在欧亚大陆具有重要的地缘政治意义,同时以欧亚运输走廊(TRACECA)为主要节点,全年可承运货物1700万吨。(Turkmenistan has access to Caspian Sea. The Turkmenbashy Sea Port has important geopolitical significance in Eurasia and whilst on the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) as its major point, it is able to receive freight throughout the year with total capacity of 17 million tons.)

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